
写しても写してもそこには "ただ琵琶湖がある" 以外ない。
あんなに美しいアートに何の意味もないのだとすれば、私にとってはそれこそが "希望" だ。

琵琶湖写真家 辻田新也

You can see the sunset view of Lake Biwa in my home town Nagahama city, Shiga.
Evening view of the lake has been giving me courage and hope when I get worried or depressed.

I have named “Hayuki” (means “wing” “evening” and “hope”) to my son born in 2021, 
wishing him to become a person who illuminates people gently and gives hope like a sunset of Lake Biwa.

One day, I was seeing the sunset of Lake Biwa with my family, a sudden idea came across my mind.

“I want to keep taking photos of this scenery for the rest of my life.”

And I thought I want to leave photos and show “the scenery in your name” to my son when he grows up in the future.
Since then, visiting Lake Biwa and taking pictures has become my life's work.

The act of facing the Mother Lake and releasing the shutter is like a dialog with deeper inside of myself.

We tend to put lots of meanings and information into any creations.

But it seems the art of the lake in front of me has no meanings.

The shimmering wave patterns with the reflections of sunshine, the rough waves in heavy rains, or even the bright red sunset has no messages in itself essentially. It’s nothing more than peoples’ interpretations.

Lake Biwa just remains.

In the world of reality we live with lots of meaning and information , 
Lake Biwa might be symbolically teaching me the ideal attitude.
If there’s no meaning in such beautiful art of the lake view, that’s exactly the “hope” to me.

Thoughts behind the name of my son probably reflect the state what I really want to become.
Just a collection of Lake Biwa remaining in front of my eyes.
I wish I could share a little bit piece of hope with each one of you through my photos.

Shinya Tsujita
Lake Biwa Photographer

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